Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So this is a short post, but I need to make sure that I actually keep up with Blogging. It's been a bear of a week but I did have fun at the Celtics game that I went to FOR FREE on Monday night. It was actually fun!

So project wise, I'm a little off. Haven't really had a lot of time for knitting this week. Jacket is still going. I'm hoping to get started on the I-Cord bind off tonight. **crosses fingers**

Vic's tie is going...well, ok. It's just small so it's hard to make a lot of progress. And I'm widdling down my Ravelry queue. It's always nice when you start a project that you really want to do and realize that the pattern either doesn't actually work or you end up not actually liking it. So then you just delete it from you queue and it's one less project to worry about! HAHA!

That's really it. Hopefully more info and pictures in a couple days. Need to make it through this week first.


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