Sounds like an expensive landscape painting...mebbe. Ok, maybe not.
So it's been a WHILE since I last blogged. Not too much has really happened. Went perm at my job, knit a whole lotta stuff...y'know, the usual.
I'm super stoked that I'm doing things in my life though. I've become a little more adventurous as I'm getting older and I've really given myself the opportunity to say "fuck it" and proceed with a spontaneous evening. I still need a schedule in my head...somewhere. But I've been trying to let go a lot more and participate in things.
I think this is recently apparent in some of the outings I've gone on. In the past three weeks, I've tried sushi for the first time, seen a show in Boston, seen a local band in Leominster, apple picking in Nashoba Valley, finished a special project and taken on a commission. Some of these things required a level of planning and scheduling, but for the most part, it was more 'devil may care'. I'm happy about that! I've not really ever been so free in my thinking and this is both exhilarating and exhausting...but in a good way. I end up enjoying myself more and really remembering the experience for what it was not things like how much it cost or the gas to get there or the time involved. Hopefully I can stay on this path and take fuller advantage of life!
And then there's knitting!! Holy crap. Xmas is right around the corner. On one hand, I'm super fast at picking out and making presents....on the other hand, I haven't even started yet. LOL. I have some stuff picked out but haven't actually cast on. I have that commission to finish (likely this week) and get out to the recipient, and I have the Stephen West MKAL which starts on the 31st. Plus birthday stuff in there somewhere. Whew...gonna be a busy fall!! Ha.
Speaking of fall, I'm stoked that October is really here. It's about 50 degrees outside, a light breeze, a bit overcast and leaves are falling. The past few weeks around New England have been....wonky. Hot and humid days, stuffy nights. No bueno. The weather now, though, is perfect for sipping a nice heavy beer and knitting into the night. Cold? Yes. But not winter. It's been a long time since I've appreciated autumn in the way that it should be. Being a New Englander since birth, I'm not into 'leaf peeping'. That's so not a thing. Well, it is, but not for me. The leaves turn, they fall off, and as a kid, I had to rake. Now, however, no raking. So I get to watch the colours come and go and just enjoy the overall feel of fall.
I'll end with this: I'm happy. Happy that I'm living the life I have. Happy I'm overcoming life's little challenges. Happy that I'm making changes in my life that positively effect not just my life but the life of my friends and family. Vic and I are happy after eight years and are looking to the future. I'm also really happy that I'm exploring. Exploring my way of thinking, my body (I workout now), my attitude, driving, knitting, crafting, dreams, money.... there are so many things that people get stressed over and I'm taking them on as challenges to overcome. So, yeah, I'm just happy. Of course, if you feel like dropping me a cool million, I'll be even happier, but hey, who knows what the future will bring?